(UnitedVoice.com) – Florida is a Stand Your Ground state. That means residents and visitors of the state have no obligation to retreat if their lives are in danger. An accused home invader learned that the hard way recently.
On December 27, Pinellas County deputies responded to a call about a man standing in the road and yelling in North Redington Beach at approximately 3:30 in the morning. When the police arrived, they found 51-year-old Robert Jackson suffering from a gunshot wound in the road. Deputies learned Jackson was the man standing in the road yelling, and he’d been shot during an alleged home invasion.
The Pinellas County Sheriff’s Department issued a statement explaining that Jackson was accused of breaking into a home and attacking 74-year-old Sherry Treadwell. The victim’s husband, 76-year-old John Treadwell, heard his wife scream and ran to see what was wrong. He discovered the assailant in his home struggling with his wife.
Mr. Treadwell grabbed his gun and shot the home invader in the shoulder. Jackson reportedly ran out of the home and tried to break into another home. After failing to get into the other house, he ran down the street, and deputies found him. First responders transported him to the hospital. The injuries weren’t life-threatening, and he was transported to the Pinellas County Jail after being released from the hospital.
Authorities charged Jackson with attempted residential burglary and burglary with battery. Mrs. Treadwell suffered minor injuries in the altercation with the suspect. Fortunately, her husband’s decisive actions saved her from further injury.
Conservatives have long argued the importance of gun ownership for exactly the kind of scenario that played out in Florida. NRA CEO Wayne LaPierre once said, “The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun, is a good guy with a gun.” It appears that sentiment has once again proven true.
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