
UnitedVoice News brings you latest in political news, news about what’s going on in the world, and news about warnings and alerts. We scour the latest topics to bring you the news that is most important. When you want news with facts instead of one-sided views, this is the place to be!

George Santos Ends Run for Congress

( - At the end of 2023, George Santos became the first lawmaker to ever be expelled from the House without having fought for...

Anti-Israel Protesters Invade Senator’s Neighborhood

( - Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) is one of just nine Jewish senators in the US Congress and the highest-ranking one in...

State Senator Arrested for Burglary

( - When someone dies, it can cause problems for those left behind. Heirs often get into arguments over assets. Sometimes, those disagreements lead...

Trump Secures Big Victory In Civil Fraud Case

( - At the beginning of April, former President Donald Trump posted a $175 million bond in the New York civil fraud trial. The...

House Has Passed Potential TikTok Ban

( - Former President Donald Trump banned TikTok when he was in office. When he lost the election, President Joe Biden rescinded the ban....

Supreme Court Agrees to Hear Appeal to Ghost Gun Ruling

( - “Ghost guns” are untraceable, unregistered firearms made by people in their homes, either with a kit or a 3D printer. Websites offer...

Ilhan Omar’s Daughter Claims She’s Essentially Homeless Now

( - A group of students staged a protest at Columbia University in New York City. The students were arrested the next day, including...

US Vetoes Palestine’s Push to Join UN

( - Palestine has tried to join the United Nations (UN) as a full member for years. Currently, it’s one of only two permanent...

Biden Takes Heat Over Absurdly Bizarre Story

( - For his entire political career, Joe Biden has been known for his bizarre verbal gaffes. It used to be funny, until he...

US Rep Receives Highest Civilian Honor

( - A retiring GOP congressman has been awarded a prestigious US Navy honor. The award comes at the same time as Representative Mike...


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