Activists Attack US Constitution

( – For years, conservatives have been warning that the US Constitution is under attack, but that danger has never been so literal before. Now, climate activists have launched a physical assault on the document itself. The Constitution survived unharmed –- but it’s part of a disturbing trend of vandalism by environmentalist fanatics.

On February 14, two climate activists entered the National Archives Building in Washington, DC, and threw red powder on the case that protects the original copy of the Constitution of the United States. Video of the attack shows the perpetrators standing in front of the case, delivering a speech loaded with “social justice” jargon. The pair seem to be members of the extremist group “Declare Emergency,” which wants President Biden to declare a “climate emergency.” Both were arrested within minutes.

The National Archives released a statement confirming that the Constitution itself was undamaged but added that its conservators are evaluating damage to the building’s Rotunda, where the attack took place. The Rotunda was closed for cleaning on February 15. Climate extremists have increasingly turned to vandalism of cultural treasures as well as their usual tactics of blocking roads and protesting.

The day before the assault on the Constitution, two members of the Last Generation stuck photos of Botticelli’s masterpiece “The Birth of Venus” at the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, Italy. On January 28, another pair threw soup on the glass protecting Leonardo da Vinci’s famous “Mona Lisa” at the Louvre in Paris.

The perpetrators of these attacks are often repeat offenders, turned loose by liberal judges. An independent journalist is reporting that one of the Constitution vandals was arrested last November for vandalism at the National Gallery of Art, while the other was arrested on February 13 for blocking traffic on the George Washington Parkway.

Will this leniency change now that one of our nation’s founding documents has been targeted? If it doesn’t, there’s likely to be a public backlash.

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