AOC Humiliated By Editorial Who Agreed With Her

AOC Humiliated By Editorial Who Agreed With Her

( – New York City is one of the most unaffordable cities in America. RentCafe reports that housing in the Big Apple is 228% higher than the rest of the country. Many parts of the city are food deserts, and owning a car in the city comes with a hefty parking price tag. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) (AOC) recently complained about how expensive it is to live there, and an editorial board agreed with her — then blamed the problem on her party.

During a Thanksgiving week town hall meeting, AOC said the people moving out of New York City aren’t generally wealthy. She said they are “working class” people who can no longer “afford to live” there anymore. The progressive congresswoman’s solution to the affordability crisis is to tax wealthy people more. In other words, she wants to punish people who have worked their way up the ladder and are doing well for themselves.

The New York Post Editorial Board responded to the congresswoman in a scathing op-ed published on November 28. The board agreed with AOC’s statement that the city was too expensive. However, they accused her and the Democratic Party of making it that way.

The editorial board wrote that AOC and “her progressive allies want more of [what has] made the city so expensive.” They pointed out that she is a Democratic Socialist and the Democrats in charge of the city recently announced budget cuts across the board. The city will have to cut sanitation services, the police budget, and other programs to “pay for the migrants AOC and her ilk” wanted the US to admit to the country.

The NY Post board reported it would cost more than $12 billion through the fiscal year 2025 to feed and house the migrants who have been pouring into the city from the Southern border. They also claimed that rent control, a policy Democrats support, has created limited housing. The board even attacked the congresswoman over state climate laws that they believe have caused electricity prices to go up.

In short, the board said their “progressive overlords” are to blame for people fleeing the city and state.

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