Barron Trump to Make Political Debut

( – Since Donald Trump was elected president in 2016 he’s done all he can to shelter his son Barron from the rough and tumble world of politics. Now that’s changing. The Florida Republican Party has just chosen the 18-year-old as one of its representatives at the Republican National Convention (RNC).

On May 8, the Republican Party of Florida chose its delegates to send to the RNC, where the party will officially nominate Donald Trump as its candidate for November’s presidential election. The Florida GOP chose 41 delegates; the chair of the delegation is Eric Trump, who will have the responsibility of formally entering his father’s name as the nominee. Donald Trump, Jr and Tiffany Trump, the former president’s youngest daughter, will also be delegates. However, the biggest surprise was the selection of Barron Trump as delegate-at-large.

Barron is still in high school, although he’s due to graduate on May 17, and his father has been cleared to attend the ceremony by the judge in his New York fraud trial. His mother, former first lady Melania Trump, has worked hard to keep him separated from his father’s political career. Up to now media attention has focused on his personal and social life, although he’s still faced a fair amount of hate from Liberals; in 2018 actor Peter Fonda tweeted that Barron should be “put in a cage with pedophiles.” It’s hardly surprising Melania wanted to protect him from that kind of harassment.

However, a Trump campaign official recently told reporters that Barron is “very interested” in politics. Now the GOP has picked him to take part in the important task of nominating the party’s candidate. With four of Trump’s children in the Florida delegation, there will be a definite family feel to the event, and Barron will play a role in launching his father’s bid for a second term. Perhaps it will give him the taste for a political career of his own.

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