Biden Mocked for Claiming He Needs Money to Afford Border Security

Biden Mocked for Claiming He Needs Money to Afford Border Security

( – President Joe Biden is responsible for protecting the US border and setting immigration policy. The Department of Homeland Security falls under his control. That hasn’t stopped the commander-in-chief from failing to take responsibility for the crisis on the border and trying to blame Congress. His latest effort to point fingers has led to mockery.

Biden Mocked

On January 2, President Biden was walking from Marine One when a reporter asked him what he was going to do about the record immigration numbers at the border. Sources previously told Fox News that the number of encounters hit 300,000 in December 2023.

Biden responded that they have to “do something,” then said Republican lawmakers “ought to give [him] the money [he] need[s] to protect the border.” The president has been criticizing the GOP for weeks for going on a holiday break without passing more funding to regain control of the border.

Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) mocked the president, saying he wanted lawmakers to give him more money to “process illegals and bring them into the country, not protect the border.”

Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) said Biden had to “do something,” or lawmakers would shut the government down.

Another X, formerly Twitter, user mocked the president for saying he was doing everything he could do when the government is auctioning off parts of the border wall construction.

Biden Not The Only One Pointing Fingers

Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas could be impeached in the coming weeks. Republicans in the House have set an impeachment hearing date. They have accused him of failing to uphold his oath and not performing his job duties well.

On January 4, the secretary appeared on Fox News’ “Special Report,” where he was grilled by anchor Bret Baier. The Fox News host pointed out the statistics that proved the administration was failing to keep control of the border. The secretary admitted more than 1 million migrants have been released in the US while they await the outcome of their immigration cases.

Instead of admitting that number is a total failure on the part of the administration, Mayorkas claimed it really proves Congress is failing the American people because it has not fixed the broken immigration system.

Mayorkas claimed that DHS’ capacity to keep migrants in detention is limited because of congressional funding. He went on to say that the president asked Congress for more funding to increase the number of agents on the border and add more technology, but lawmakers failed to pass it.

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