Defeated Politician Gives One Finger Farewell Salute to Crowd

Defeated Politician Gives One Finger Farewell Salute to Crowd

( – Argentina elected a new president in November, and then, on December 10, Javier Milei was inaugurated. One of the country’s most controversial leaders insulted the new president’s supporters on her way into the ceremony.

Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, a progressive who served as vice president from 2019 to 2023, arrived at the inauguration with a smile on her face. As she walked into the event hosted by the Argentine Congress, she held her middle finger up in the air in response to the new president’s supporters who were gathered outside.

Kirchner is a controversial figure in Argentina. She served as the country’s first lady while her husband, Néstor Carlos Kirchner Ostoić, was president from 2003 to 2007. Then, she was elected to serve as the president of Argentina after he left office, serving from 2007 through 2015. During her presidency, her husband died. She served as a senator after leaving office.

Four years after her presidential term ended, Kirchner was back in the political stratosphere, this time being elected to serve as vice president of Argentina. Her term ended on December 10, when Milei took office.

The former vice president has experienced a number of legal problems. In 2017, Kirchner was charged with high treason. At the time, she was a sitting senator and benefited from immunity from prosecution. The next year, she was indicted again. That time, it was for allegedly obstructing the investigation into the 1994 AMIA Bombing that left 85 people dead. She reportedly obstructed the investigation after making an agreement with Iran, who might have been involved.

In 2022, while serving as vice president, a court found Kirchner guilty of “fraudulent administration.” She was sentenced to six years in prison and given a lifetime ban on serving in any public office again because a court deemed her corrupt. She was allowed to remain free because she was vice president. She’s appealing the verdict.

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