DeSantis Super PAC Plagued By Sudden Departures

DeSantis Campaign Plagued By Sudden Departures

( – Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) should be riding a high after a successful debate with California Governor Gavin Newsom (D). Instead, the GOP presidential candidate is once again dealing with drama in his campaign. This time, several people have resigned.

The Never Back Down PAC has had a major role in DeSantis’ campaign. However, the tension between the PAC and the campaign, which aren’t legally allowed to coordinate, has overshadowed the governor’s presidential race. In late November, the super PAC’s CEO, Chris Jankowski, stepped down. His resignation came after a series of attack ads on former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley were run by the PAC and hurt DeSantis in the poll.

After the ads ran, Jeff Roe, a Never Back Down strategist, and supporter Scott Wagner got into a shouting match at the PAC’s headquarters in Atlanta. Four days after Jankowski left, former Nevada Attorney General Adam Laxalt resigned from his position as chairman of Never Back Down’s board. Now, just six weeks from the Iowa Caucuses, the new CEO of the super PAC has been fired.

Kristin Davison took over as CEO just nine days before her firing. According to POLITICO, the firing was the result of unspecified “management and personnel issues.” Never Back Down spokesperson Erin Perrine and Matthew Palmisano, another PAC official, were also terminated.

Wagner has been named the new interim CEO and chairman of the board.

DeSantis is trailing former President Donald Trump by more than 46%, according to the FiveThirtyEight polling average. In Florida, a state DeSantis won reelection in by the largest margin in years, Trump is beating him by 36%. In Iowa, Trump is winning by nearly 30%.

The Florida governor was once viewed as the man who could beat the former president. He tried to sell himself as Trump without the baggage or 91 felony counts. However, after a series of fumbles, including waiting too long to enter the race, the infighting between his campaign and PAC, and other issues, DeSantis’ campaign is suffering badly. The question now is whether he can turn it around.

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