Exercising Your Rights on Election Day in 2024 and Beyond

Exercising Your Rights on Election Day in 2024 and Beyond

(UnitedVoice.com) – It’s 2024, which means the general election is just 11 months away, and the primaries are even sooner. Currently, it appears the presidential ticket is going to be a repeat of 2020, with former President Donald Trump facing off against President Joe Biden. The polls have the two men neck-and-neck, just like they were the last time they faced off.

In addition to the presidential race, all of the members of Congress are up for reelection, and several senators are defending their seats as well. In other words, it’s going to be an important year for American politics. That means citizens need to know their rights before they head to the polls.

Registering to Vote

Every American citizen over the age of 18 has the inalienable right to vote in the elections, unless they have been convicted of a felony. In that case, the laws vary by state. Although all citizens have the right to vote, they have to register to vote first.

The first thing you should do this election season is to make sure you are registered to vote by visiting Can I Vote, a website run by the National Association of Secretaries of State. If you discover you are not registered to vote, you should go to vote.gov to find out your options to rectify that. It’s essential to do that as soon as possible because each state has a different registration deadline.

What To Do If You Are Disabled

Under the federal Americans with Disabilities Act, all polling places are required to be fully accessible to voters who have disabilities. Poll workers are required to make reasonable accommodations so that you can vote. They must also help if they can.

Every polling place must have at least one voting machine that ensures voters with disabilities can cast their ballot independently and privately. For example, the voting machine should be able to read the ballots for those who cannot see or let you vote by pushing buttons if you have issues with mobility. Voters who have mental disabilities can’t be refused the opportunity to vote just because a poll worker doesn’t think they are qualified.

If you need help, ask the election workers. Also, if you find that a polling place is not accessible, contact 1-866-OUR-VOTE and report the problem.

Your Name Isn’t On the List

If you are at the polling place and a worker tells you your name is not on the list of registered voters, do not leave. Ask the poll worker to double-check and make sure you spell your name for them. Ask them if there’s a list of supplemental voters and have them check that. If the poll worker can’t find your name, make sure that you went to the correct polling place; you can do that by calling 1-866-OUR-VOTE.

If you are at the right polling place or you’ve gone to the wrong one and aren’t able to travel to the correct poll, ask for a provisional ballot. The poll worker is not allowed to deny you a provisional ballot.

If you have any problems at the polls, don’t be afraid to report it to election officials.

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