Iranian Lawmaker Drops World-Altering Claim

( – When former President Donald Trump took office, he pulled the US out of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), also known as the Iran Deal. Barack Obama’s administration negotiated the agreement, which was meant to keep the Middle Eastern nation from obtaining a nuclear weapon. Trump didn’t believe the deal was tough enough on the Iranian government.

When President Joe Biden took office, he immediately tried to restart negotiations with Iran to reenter the agreement. That hasn’t happened, and an Iranian lawmaker recently dropped a bomb (pun intended) on the world.

Shocking Declaration

Ahmad Bakhshayesh Ardestani spoke to the Rouydad 24 website recently about his country’s nuclear ambitions. He allegedly said he thinks Iran already has a nuclear weapon and that’s why the government decided to launch a retaliatory attack on Israel in April.

“In my opinion, we have achieved nuclear weapons, but we do not announce it,” Ardestani said.

The member of the Iranian parliament said that it’s important for Iran to possess nuclear weapons because it’s “a staunch supporter of the Resistance Front.” However, he explained that he doesn’t think his government will declare that it has the weapons.

Jason Brodsky, the policy director for the organization United Against a Nuclear Iran, told Fox News Digital that Ardestani isn’t a high-level member of parliament. He said that he’s not a member of the government’s “inner core of […] nuclear decision-making,” so people should keep that in mind when they weigh his remarks.

UN Visit to Iran

In 2023, International Atomic Energy Agency Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi warned that Iran has enough uranium to build several nuclear weapons if it wants. He recently traveled to Iran to monitor the nation’s nuclear program. The top nuclear watchdog reportedly admitted it’s getting harder to keep an eye on Iran’s program in the wake of the increased tension in the Middle East.

In the years since Trump pulled the US out of the Iran Deal, the Iranian government has abandoned the limits the deal placed on uranium enrichment. Under the JCPOA, the country wasn’t allowed to enrich its uranium past 60% purity; now, it’s enriching it near weapons-grade purity of 90%.

Critics of President Joe Biden have condemned him for not taking a strong enough stance against Iran. They believe he should stop negotiating with the world’s largest state sponsor of terrorism. The administration has ignored the criticism and continued its efforts to bring the country back to the table.

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