John Kerry Says Goodbye to Climate Czar Position, Takes Up New Role

John Kerry Says Goodbye to Climate Czar Position, Takes Up New Role

( – John Kerry has spent decades in Democratic politics. He served as the lieutenant governor of Massachusetts from 1983 to 1985. Then, he was a senator for the state for almost 30 years. In 2004, Kerry was the Democratic Party’s presidential nominee but lost to Republican POTUS George W. Bush. Several years later, he worked for former President Barack Obama’s administration as the secretary of State.

Most recently, Kerry served as President Joe Biden’s climate czar. He’s now revealed he is leaving the Biden Administration.

Kerry Leaving

On January 13, Axios revealed the former secretary of state is stepping down as the first US special presidential envoy for climate. In November 2020, then-President-elect Joe Biden asked Kerry to serve in the climate czar role, which gave him a seat on the National Security Council. He was responsible for negotiating climate policies with other countries.

Kerry has decided to work for President Biden’s reelection campaign. Sources claim the former senator believes reelecting the POTUS is the “single biggest” difference that can help combat global climate change. During a recent meeting at the White House, he let the president know about his decision. Kerry informed his staff a few days later that he would be leaving his role by the spring.

The 80-year-old is still scheduled to attend the Munich Security Conference in February. He’s also traveling to Davos, Switzerland, to attend the World Economic Forum. In December, he helped negotiate a deal at the UN Climate Change Conference in Dubai (COP28) that, for the first time, recommends the world move away from fossil fuels.

The Reelection Campaign

According to reports, Kerry likely won’t have a formal position in the campaign. He’s expected to travel the country to tell people what the Biden Administration has been doing to move the needle on climate change.

Kerry’s departure from the administration comes as Biden fights to convince the American people that they should give him a second term.

Currently, the polls are trending toward former President Donald Trump, who prioritized fossil fuel independence in his administration. The former president believed it was a national security priority to produce more gas at home, something the Biden Administration is accused of failing to do. Trump has promised to get rid of Biden’s policies that are putting a strain on the economy. Americans are now paying more at the pump, and more for almost every kind of good and service, which could be a driving force at the ballot box in November.

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