KJP Opens Mockery Floodgates With Absurd Claim

(UnitedVoice.com) – As White House Press Secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre’s main job is making the president look good. When the president is Joe Biden, that’s always going to be a challenge, and Jean-Pierre’s success rate isn’t great. Her latest attempt went even worse than usual, though, and triggered a wave of mockery aimed at both her and the commander-in-chief.

At the November 8 White House press briefing, Jean-Pierre was asked if Biden would work with Republican senators who are trying to fix our broken border security policies. Apparently, she thought it would be a good idea to bluff this out; she replied that Biden had put forward “a comprehensive immigration plan” as soon as he took office, and went on to claim “the president has done everything that he can … to try to figure out how do we deal with what’s going on at the border.”

Mainstream journalists were never going to dig too deep into this claim, but the internet was less kind. Social media quickly exploded with mockery, suggesting that many people don’t believe Jean-Pierre’s upbeat assessment. Republican researcher Jake Schneider reposted her words on X (formerly Twitter) and added: “…except securing it.” Journalist Pradheep Shanker commented, “So basically he is incompetent?” Just in case those were too subtle for anyone, the Missouri Republican Party said, “Hear that guys… he’s done everything.”

The border has been a constant issue for Biden since he took office. One of his first moves as president was to stop the construction of former president Donald Trump’s security wall. That fits in well with his immigrant-friendly policies, but it’s come back to bite him — hard. As fed-up red states near the southern border bus unwanted migrants north to liberal strongholds like New York, even many Democrats are suddenly discovering that illegal immigration isn’t actually a good thing.

Now, Biden has quietly restarted wall construction and, going by Jean-Pierre’s latest comments, is trying to pose as a leader who’s tough on illegals. Unfortunately for him, he’s probably left it about three years too late.

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