Mayor’s Approval Rating in Free Fall as City Suffers

Mayor's Approval Rating in Free Fall as City Suffers

( – New York City Mayor Eric Adams (D) has served the city since 2022. The former police officer took a no-nonsense approach to his job and has regularly clashed with President Joe Biden’s administration over immigration. After a year of relatively high approval ratings, the mayor’s popularity is plummeting.

In November, Adams announced $110 billion in cuts to the city’s budget. The money would come from the police department, sanitation, schools, and other areas. The Democrat blamed the need for this on the influx of illegal immigrants to the city and a $7 billion gap in next year’s budget. He warned that even more cuts would be necessary if officials didn’t get the migrant crisis under control.

On December 6, a Quinnipiac University poll showed just 28% of New Yorkers approved of the mayor’s performance. Meanwhile, 58% said he was not doing a good job. According to the poll, 33% approve of his handling of crime, and 60% disapprove. Only 26% of voters think he’s handled the migrant crisis well; 66% of respondents disapprove. Additionally, only 22% of those who responded think he’s done a good job handling the homelessness issue in the city, while 72% say he isn’t doing enough.

When asked about the budget cuts, 83% of respondents said they were either very concerned or somewhat concerned that they would impact their daily lives. Sixty-five percent (65%) of voters said they would support raising taxes on the city’s richest residents in order to close the budget gap.

Approximately 85% of New Yorkers said they are very concerned about the number of migrants in the city and don’t think they will be able to accommodate all of them. Eighty percent (80%) believe the federal government is not doing enough to help the city.

Adams is facing fierce opposition because of the budget cuts. Reports indicate popular Democrats are thinking about running against him in the next race. He’s up for reelection in 2025.

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