New Information Adds to DA’s Rising Troubles

New Information Adds to DA's Rising Troubles

( – Fulton County, Georgia, District Attorney Fani Willis has been under fire over allegations she had a personal relationship with a special prosecutor on her team. The prosecutor is helping her in her RICO case against former President Donald Trump and people connected to him. She’s now facing accusations that she fired an alleged whistleblower. The House of Representatives has now subpoenaed her.

GOP Subpoena

On February 2, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) sent a letter to Fani Willis and an accompanying subpoena. The Republican recounted allegations made by an alleged whistleblower who claimed a campaign aide for Willis, who began working for the county, stated that they wanted to use federal funds on “swag” and laptops, rather than what they were earmarked for.

According to Jordan, the whistleblower claimed she told the county employee that it was impossible to spend the money on that as it was earmarked for a very specific purpose. The nearly $500,000 was for an at-risk youth program. The whistleblower claimed they were fired two months later and escorted out of the building by security.

Jordan demanded all of the information about how the funds were spent.

Willis issued a statement, reported by The Hill, calling the allegations “false” and saying they were “included in baseless litigation filed by a holdover employee from the previous administration who was terminated for cause.” Willis further noted that a court has already ruled that the accusations made by the ex-employee had “no merit.”

Not the First Time

Jordan has reached out to Willis in the past for information on her investigation into the former president and 18 others. Trump was charged with multiple felonies for allegedly trying to interfere in the 2020 election.

On August 24, 2023, Jordan demanded Willis turn over information about her investigation into Trump. He wanted all communications and documents produced by any contact with the Department of Justice or the executive branch. Additionally, he wanted all communications and documents related to the Fulton County DA’s use of federal funds.

Willis sent Jordan a scathing response last year refusing his request and calling it meritless. She said his request raised “serious constitutional concerns regarding federalism and separation of powers.” She went on to say there was nothing in the Constitution that said Congress had a right to “interfere with a state criminal matter,” as he’d tried to do.

In the latest letter, Jordan noted Willis’ previous refusal to voluntarily cooperate with lawmakers and made it clear with the subpoena that she had no choice this time.

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