Presidential Candidate Gets Major Boost

Trump Challenger Gets Major Boost

( – There are a few major political donors in America that have shaped public policy from the outside. On the Left, that person is George Soros. On the Right, that title went to Charles Koch (and once his late brother David Koch) for decades. Koch is one of the most influential political minds in the country, but he isn’t a public servant. His family’s money has propped up many, many Republicans.

Now, Koch’s Americans for Prosperity is reportedly throwing its weight behind one of former President Donald Trump’s primary rivals — and it isn’t Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R-FL).

A Southern Boost

On November 28, Americans for Prosperity Action announced it was throwing its weight behind former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley (R) in the primary. In a statement, the Koch network called the conservative the “best choice” for America. It went on to say she “has what it takes to lead a policy agenda to take on our nation’s biggest challenges” and make sure the future is prosperous.

The statement claimed the organization’s internal polling showed Haley has been in second place for months, and she is in a good place to gather more support. Further, Americans for Prosperity alleges the same polling shows Haley beating President Joe Biden in all of the battleground states by 10 points, putting her in a better position than Trump to win the general election. They also believe she could win the key independent and moderate voters who won’t ever cast their ballots for the former president.

Haley’s Candidacy

Haley has an impressive foreign policy record. The Republican served as UN ambassador during former President Donald Trump’s administration, giving her an opportunity to become very familiar with the problems facing the world and America. She also has a staunchly conservative track record from her time as governor of the Palmetto State. And, she has performed very well in the GOP primary debates, especially up against Vivek Ramaswamy, the tech millionaire who she said makes her dumb when she listens to him.

Despite her record, Haley hasn’t polled well in the primary. Trump is beating her in all of the states, including her own. She has gained ground in recent weeks, tying DeSantis in some states. Still, experts say her path to victory is a narrow one. In order to win, she would have to beat Trump in New Hampshire, Iowa, South Carolina, and many other states.

Koch’s support is definitely what Haley needs if she wants to wage a war against the billionaire former president. The question remains whether that will be enough.

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