SCOTUS Under Fire for Giving Feds Green Light to Cut Border Wire

SCOTUS Under Fire for Giving Feds Green Light to Cut Border Wire

( – Texas Governor Greg Abbott (R) launched Operation Lone Star in 2021 as a way to counter the border crisis. One of the steps the governor took was ordering officials to place razor wire along the border to keep illegal immigrants out of his state. That led to a fight with President Joe Biden’s administration. The Supreme Court has weighed in, but not everyone is happy about the justices’ decision.

Court Battle

On January 22, the Supreme Court issued an order allowing Border Patrol agents to remove razor wire fencing from along the border. The justices voted 5-4 with the president but didn’t elaborate on its ruling. Justices Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, Samuel Alito, and Clarence Thomas all said they would have denied the request to lift a lower court’s injunction preventing the administration from removing the fencing and dissented.

While the court order allows Biden to remove the fencing, it doesn’t prevent Abbott from putting it up again. In a post on X, formerly Twitter, two days after the ruling, the governor said that the “razor wire is an effective deterrent against the illegal border crossings […] We continue to deploy this razor wire” to stop the migrants.

The governor included a photo that showed Texas National Guard troops adding more of the barrier.

Reactions to the Ruling

Following the Supreme Court’s decision, some Republicans lashed out in anger. Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) told Fox News Digital that Abbott should tell the justices to “go to hell.” He said the state has a “duty under the Constitution […] to protect [its] citizens,” and that’s all there is to it.

In a statement on X, he said the state should “ignore [the ruling] on behalf of the [Border Patrol] agents” who are going to have to deal with a problem because of the court’s opinion.

Tucker Carlson said the Supreme Court and others have “decided to destroy the country” and demanded to know why the men of Texas aren’t protecting their state.

Conservative Tim Young also encouraged the state to ignore the justice’s decision.

Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-TX) called on President Biden to take control of the Texas National Guard if Abbott continues to put razor wire up at the border.

A federal law enforcement official, who did not want their identity made public, told Business Insider that Texas can put up as much razor wire as it wants, but Border Patrol agents would remove it if it impedes them in any way.

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