Vatican Release Condemns Multiple Far Left Ideologies

( – Pope Francis has taken a lot of heat over the last few years because of his open-arms approach. He has also refused to give the Catholic priests permission to deny communion to American politicians who are pro-life, preferring to stay out of politics. Last year, Catholics were angry when he approved blessings for same-sex couples.

It appears the Left is now angry at the pope because of a recent Vatican release condemning gender theory.

Vatican Release

On April 8, the Holy See Press Office released its Declaration “Dignitas Infinita” (Infinite Dignity) on Human Dignity. It was released more than five years after the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (DDF), which is responsible for safeguarding the doctrine on morals and faith, began developing it.

Dignitas Infinita addresses more than a dozen modern-day issues through the lens of the Catholic Church’s teachings and scripture. It deals with migrants, gender ideology, abortion, and other issues.

Gender Ideology

The subsection on “gender theory” reaffirms that the Church believes everyone should be “respected in his or her dignity and treated with consideration” and worshippers should avoid “unjust discrimination.” While the Church doesn’t believe anyone should be discriminated against or experience violence, it does not support sex changes.

The Church made it clear that gender theory is an inadmissible ideology. The document states that human life, physically and otherwise, is a “gift from God” that everyone should be grateful for. Attempting to change genders “amounts to a concession to the age-old temptation to make oneself God” and competes with the word of God in the Gospel.

As for sex changes, the document points out that the body is a manifestation of the soul, and people should “respect the natural order of the human person.” Sex changes risk the “unique dignity” created when they are conceived. The Church excludes operations necessary to resolve genital abnormalities.

Assisted Suicide

The Church disagrees with the notion that assisted suicide is “death with dignity,” saying it “utilizes a mistaken understanding of human dignity” to turn it against life. While the document does not support suicide, it does support palliative care to relieve a terminally ill patient of pain until death comes naturally.


The document states the Catholic Church is vehemently against surrogacy because it “violates the dignity of the child.” Pope Francis has called it “deplorable” and likens it to human trafficking. He has called on the international community to ban it.


Unsurprisingly, the Church is still against abortion. It believes human life begins at the moment of conception and only ends when an individual dies naturally. According to the Dignitas Infinita, an intentional abortion “is the deliberate and direct killing […] of a human being,” and abandoning this position would be an abandonment of a basic human right.

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