Vivek Ramaswamy Unloads on RNC Over Multiple Failures

Vivek Ramaswamy Unloads on RNC Over Multiple Failures

( – Tech millionaire Vivek Ramaswamy joined the GOP primary as a longshot candidate. Although he still has a very slim path to victory, he has received a lot of attention in all of the debates. The third Republican debate was no different — and he used his platform to attack party leadership.

On November 8, the Republican National Committee (RNC) held its third primary debate. Former President Donald Trump didn’t attend the event, which gave the other candidates a chance to stand out. During his opening statement, Ramaswamy attacked the RNC for allegedly allowing NBC News to protect President Joe Biden. He took issue with moderators from the network at the debate, instead of Conservatives like “Tucker Carlson, Joe Rogan, and Elon Musk.”

Ramaswamy also expressed anger with the RNC over the election losses the previous night. He said, “We become a party of losers,” saying there was a “cancer in the Republican establishment.” He pointed his finger directly at Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel, saying she took over in 2017 and the party has “lost [in] 2018, 2020, 2022 […] We got trounced last night in 2023.” He called on the chairwoman to resign from her position.

Later in the debate, the feud between Ramaswamy and former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley ignited again. The moderator asked how he would ban TikTok when he uses it himself. The businessman took the opportunity to attack Haley, who he said made fun of him for joining the Chinese-owned app “while her own daughter was actually using the app for a long time.” He told her that she should take care of her own family before she said anything to him.

The crowd booed Ramaswamy for the swipe, and Haley told the Republican candidate to leave her daughter alone, telling him, “You’re just scum.” At the previous debate, she’d told him that she feels “dumber” every time he speaks.

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